Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West

Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West (Joseph D. Douglass, Jr.)
Publisher: Edward Harle | ISBN: 1899798048 | 2nd Edition | PDF | 183 pp. | 1.5 mb

An expose of long-term Russian and Chinese intelligence operations aimed at achieving the demoralisation and ultimate control of the West through drugs, as a dimension of the continuing Leninist World Revolution.
The shocking inside story of how the Soviet Union bosses contrived, plotted, planned and then put into action a world-wide drug offensive against the West would be unbelievable if the writing were not so scholarly and well-documented. Douglass's careful work that gets at all the horrible details of the story of our undoing by drugs is worthy of careful reading and rereading by intelligent people everywhere. Beginning with the very effective initiative against our soldiers, up to the present, there are very few families that have not, by this time, been touched by the awful epidemic. But embarrassment, guilt and other intensities apparently have crippled our abilities to even talk about the problem, much less fight an effective war against it. And then there is our government's impotence if not collusion. We are in denial and in the closet. It is time we came out. This unique book helps immensely in that effort. By seeing how the drug plague is really a war being waged against us, we are in a position to come out of the closet of denial and begin to take appropriate action. Red Cocaine is a must read for parents, helping and medical professionals, religious people, educators, employers, the military and our law makers and enforcers.
-- Roberta Gilbert M.D.

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